News & Announcements

Bethel Christian Women (BCW)
Meets every first Monday of the month (except July or when there is a conflict with a holiday)
Bethel Methodist Community Church (Fellowship Hall)
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. – followed by refreshments
For more information, click HERE

Fairfield Christian Men (FCM)
Meets every first Monday of the month (except July/August or when there is a conflict with a holiday)
Bethel Methodist Community Church (Choir Room)
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. – followed by refreshments
For more information, click HERE

​Covenant Prayer Group
Meets every second Thursday of the month (except July/August)
Bethel Methodist Community Church (Fellowship Hall)
10:00 a.m.
For more information, click HERE

Mature Years (Senior Adult Group)
Meets every second Tuesday of the month (except July/August/December)
Bethel Methodist Community Church (Fellowship Hall) 
​11:00 a.m.
For more information, click HERE

Trinity Bible Fellowship (Prison Ministry)
Meets at Campbell Work Release Center, Columbia, SC
-4th Sunday morning of the month​​​​
Meets at New Beginnings Half-way House, Columbia, SC
​​-Twice a month
For more information, click HERE


​Click HERE for worship information.
Lent Bible Study- Wednesday, March 12, at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Join us on Sunday, March 16, for our first-ever Faith: A Night of Worship at 5pm, featuring a live performance by Will Hobgood, Jr.! This will be a powerful evening of worship and fellowship, and we encourage you to invite your friends and family to join us. Stay afterward for refreshments as we come together in faith and community. We can’t wait to worship with you!
Sunday, March 23- Bethel Church Council (5pm)
 Sunday, March 30- 5th Sunday Covered Dish Luncheon (immediately following worship).
-----------------------------------------------------------------------​Fairfield’s Meals on Wheels need volunteers to help cater food around the area on M, T, W (preferably Tues from 10:45 – noon). If you would like to get involved their phone number is 803.718.0555 and they are located at the Senior Citizen Center on East Washington St. in downtown Winnsboro.